PHRF FleetFleet Captain: Bryan Huntley The Performance Handicapping Race Formula (PHRF) has grown to be recognized as the largest sailboat handicapping organization in North America. While acknowledging that no handicap formula is perfect, PHRF provides a convenient, inexpensive handicap system to the thousands of sailors who own cruising sailboats and are seeking fair and competitive racing. Sandusky Sailing Club PHRF sailors range in all levels of racing experience form novice to the Lake Erie Boat of the Year skipper. Yet every sailor is afforded the opportunity to compete on an even basis. PHRF is divided into two fleets (A & B) for the Wednesday evening race series, and one for the weekend series. Wednesday races are divided into three separate series to allow ample opportunity for everyone to compete and qualify for awareds given at the end of the season. For weekend racing there are the Destination and the Regatta series, which offer sailors the chance to visit and race at clubs from Toledo to Lorain and qualify for year-end SSC fleet awards. For any sailor, boat owner or crew, looking for vigorous competition, excellent comradery, and an opportunity to sail with some of Lake Erie's finest sailors, the PHRF Fleet stands ready to welcome you. |